On 18 Sep, Peter O'Gorman wrote:
The Mac video display will usually not come on, though sometimes it will if left to run for a few minutes - I understand this is a common and easily fixed problem for those who knew the Mac, but I really don't have the room or use for it any more.
Must be 20 years or more ago since I repaired one, but I think there are a couple of capacitors on the video board that are the first things to go on a Mac plus.
If it's known to be the caps, I can repair them if you can't do it yourself. I stock many cap values, though some monitor ones (esp the high voltage side) might require special order.
My mobo cap repair service is really booming. Seems that now some 2003 boards also have bad caps (I previously thought it limited to 2001-2002): http://www.tecnopolis.ca/tecnopolis/leakycaps.html