Write down what you need outside a regular setup
logging (/var) mail (/var) users/domains (/home)
Since you've got space to waste, you might do the following
/ - 500M /boot - 50M /var - 3G /usr - 8G /home - what's left
In a pinch, you've got the option to move mail and/or logging to something on /home.
On Tue, 5 Feb 2002, Raymond J. Henry wrote:
OK, I've wandered about the Web, and read what I could find about partitioning. I don't know if I'm too stupid or what, but I still can't decide how to partition my drive. Perhaps someone could be kind enough to at least give me some pointers in "Linux Partitioning For Dummies" format..... :/
I'm going to be running a 20 GIG drive. The system will be used for a Web server. At this time, DNS, mail, and Apache will all be run off the same machine. As time passes and my level of Linux knowledge grows, more machines will be added to distribute load. For now, concern is not running out of room on any one partition. Being new to this, I have no idea how much room anything requires.
Right now, I've just got / and the swap partition. I'd like to make multiple partitions, and play with disk quotas. I suspect I'll be supporting about 6 - 8 small domains on this system, with say a dozen mail users on each domain.
Here's the goods on the box: Duron 850 20 GIG IDE HD 512 MEGs RAM RedHat 7.1 (with Apache, PHP, MYSQL, sendmail, DNS, etc.).
Hopefully someone can give me some ideas that will make a light go on........
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