On Friday 25 August 2006 13:06, John Lange wrote this amazing epistle:
Recently I have been experiencing problems with all of our customers who access our services through Shaw including my own home internet connection. These problems seem to be wide-spread throughout the city.
My question for the group is, is anyone else experiencing this problems? I'm trying to determine how wide spread this is before attempting to escalate the issue.
John Lange
I've noticed things slowing down a little (then again I'm also running a couple of P2P programs). I don't know if this would help but I find I get booted from some P2P connections unless there are large numbers of peers. The same sort of thing happens when I connect with various nntp servers including Shaws. For example the download of binary articles frequently freezes and resets (BNR2 is good for that but pan is not). Even getting headers from large groups shows the same sort of behaviour. Before it was just Shaw. Now it's from stable servers outside Shaw.
You may also want to look at streaming video and VNC type connections. The streaming video may be the key. Look at some stuff from YouTube on both Shaw and MTS. This way you can isolate it. If you can use the same machine on both, so much the better because they can't claim it's your machine. Since it's video you can talk in language they understand. "The video freezes and drops frames. You say I'm getting all the packets. Maybe they aren't arriving in the correct order or they aren't arriving at a consistant speed. MTS doesn't have this problem and they are slower than you." Since video is Shaws core business, this is something they need to pay attention to.
Later Mike