I'm cleaning out old hardware to make space, here's the more interesting
pieces, if anyone wants them please reply or call my cell 797-1617:
MicroVAX 3800 (makes a great bedside table)
Digital Server 3000 (Alpha CPU-based, PSU modded to feed CPU 3.3V direct)
Sparq portable 1GB-disk drive with 3 disks
Backer32 (parallel port video 'modem', 4GB on VHS tape)
IBM Token Ring Concentrator
3x new Fujitsu fiber cables, 61meter, 2 fibers, ST-ST connectors
Laboratory tube PSU, variable 200-325V 0.1A
Ribbon cable in foil wrap, approx. 50 wires, 200ft?
Konika-Minolta Magicolor 330, huge colour laser printer, needs toner/work
Eurologic 4-drive SCSI/SAS array with redundact PSUs, serial mgmt
Eurologic Fiberchannel 7x 73GB (1 HD bad) RAID array with redundant
PSUs, fans
A few 2.4ghz wifi dishes, 19-24dbi
I'm bringing a bunch of 300-800mhz PCs, 10mbit hubs, etc. to recycling