Someone was asking for an easy way to encrypt single files. Here's
what I use all the time. I call the program "gpp" (from GPg Pico).
Read notes before using. Do not use on non-text files. If you want
to encrypt non-text files just use gpg -c manually and delete the
original files.
You may need to adjust the path to perl and bash, and possibly cp,
but it should work as-is on any lsb linux system. Must have gpg
installed, but I don't think anyone doesn't!
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# v3.0 (c) Trevor Cordes; may be used & distributed freely
# use only on text files;
# edit the $editor var to set to your favorite editor (vi, emacs, nano);
# when first run on a text file, will encrypt it and delete original;
# when used on encrypted files (ending in .gpg) will decrypt, load
# into your editor, then re-encrypt once edited;
# when dealing with encrypted files, makes a backup copy in /tmp which
# it leaves there for safety;
# note: when editing, the file exists in plaintext on the disk, so it's
# not as nice/secure as an in-memory system would be during the edit;
# note: backspace & arrows don't work when entering pw, so just ^C if
# you make a typo;
# relies on gpg's convention (-c) encryption, which is only as good as
# your password so make it good/long depending on how secure you want
# to be against brute force or dictionary attacks;
# if you use emacs or an editor that automatically makes backup files,
# you must disable that or use a simpler editor, otherwise you'll
# leave plaintext file droppings everywhere;
$editor="/usr/bin/nano -t -z -w";
-f $ef or die "not a file: $ef";
if (($uf)=($ef=~/^(.+?)(\.gpg)$/i)) {
-f $uf and die "plaintext file already exists, will not overwrite ($uf)";
} else {
# get pw
print "Enter password: ";
system "stty",'-icanon','-echo','eol',"\001";
do {
print '*' if $char ne "\n";
} until $char eq "\n";
print "\n";
system "stty",'icanon','echo','eol','^@';
if ($efexists) {
$baknum++ while (-f "/tmp/$noslashesf.bak$baknum$$");
system "/bin/cp -p $ef /tmp/$noslashesf.bak$baknum$$";
open(PW,"| gpg --passphrase-fd 0 --batch $ef 2>/dev/null") or die;
print PW $pgppw;
die "bad password\n" if !-s $uf or (-s $uf)<(-s $ef)-100;
system "$editor $uf";
unlink $ef if -f $ef;
open(PW,"| gpg -c --passphrase-fd 0 -z9 --batch $uf >/dev/null 2>&1")
or die;
print PW $pgppw;
-f $ef
or die "encryptions seems to have failed, leaving plaintext as is ($uf)";
unlink $uf if -f $uf;
#system "ls -ld $uf*";
#print "\nLooks like success!\n";
sub cleanup{
if (!$unsttyd) {
system "stty",'icanon','echo','eol','^@';
print "\n";