[*] UniFi VoIP

Adam Thompson athompso at athompso.net
Thu Jul 31 20:36:19 CDT 2014

On 14-07-31 08:19 PM, Adam Thompson wrote:
> While I'm at it, does anyone know of a way to tie a VoIP system 
> (Asterisk-based, in this case) into my cellular line?  I know of at 
> least one commercial multi-set cordless product that you set your cell 
> phone on, and it then functions as a bluetooth headset+dialer; I guess 
> I'm looking for a Bluetooth Terminal Adapter instead of an Analog 
> Terminal Adapter???
> Heck, I'd even be OK with running an app on the phone to accomplish this.

OK, learn to use google, adam...

Hardware solutions:

Don't know anything about them.  Anyone?

And, apparently, if I'm using Asterisk, there's a chan_mobile driver 
Has anyone ever used it?

-Adam Thompson
  athompso at athompso.net

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