[RndTbl] wireless access

Colin Stanners colin at ninja.ca
Sun Dec 26 22:30:54 CST 2010

HSPA is faster but it's still a cellular system - low transfer
caps, variable latency since voice/other traffic comes first.

Skyweb sold their 2.5ghz and shut down in .mb at the end of October.
Too bad, most of their customers said they had a great network.

The only good options (fixed wireless) in your area are:
-I-Netlink  (Newton tower)
-HighSpeedCrow (Grand, Norquay towers)

If you choose the latter I may be doing your install. Trees aren't
too bad near Oakville, you have good chance of getting a signal with
the line-of-sight system which is faster (up to ~3mbit residential).

If you do any powerful transmission in the 2 meter or lower bands
the ethernet connection between the radio and your router/computer
may need to be set to 10mbit to avoid packet loss when you key up.

On 12/26/2010 4:52 PM, VE4PER Andy wrote:
> Anybody have a suggestion for improved wireless access. I have MTS
> Allstream unlimited EVDO access, allegedly.
> During business hours their Portage La Prairie tower radiation coverage
> pattern getd shrunk to provide local city support as a priority over
> rural areas. This causes rural customers to get switched to old 1X
> towers whose BW's are worse than dial-up even. Latency just sucks bigtime.
> They have made all sorts of promises about HSPA coming; first Sep 1st
> them Dec 1st now they have managed to drag their
> butts into Mar 1st, if then.
> Data for my merlin x720 card says 3.2 Mbps download and 1.2 Mbps upload
> yet I have consistently had to open trouble tickets for low speeds,
> since day 1. Of course with newer inet games and  devices being sold now
> it is even worse. It is so bad it doesn't download speedtests from
> either speedtest.net or speakeasy.net speedtest sites.
> I have perused the forums and find comments that Xplorenet appears to be
> just about as bad for not delivering on BW promises or advertising.
> I am not too far from Hwy 13 and Hwy 1 intersection and SkyCable/SkyNet
> says I am in a black RF hole for their service.
> This partnership agreement between MTSAllstream and Rogers is almost
> turning into an agreement to keep Rogers from turning up their HSPA
> towers which I understand are allegedly ready to turn on.
> Tends to keep the competition at bay.
> Thanks
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