[RndTbl] Well, so much for Firefox on Linux...

Robert Dyck rbdyck2 at shaw.ca
Thu Feb 6 14:40:40 CST 2014

--- Trevor Cordes wrote:
> And why is it that Adobe can't program worth beans?  Their 
> stuff has become the #1 vector for malware.  Their record 
> exceeds that of even Mighty Malware Magnet Microsoft!

Microsoft actually put a pop-up blocker into IE at one point. The point
was to block pop-up ads. So Adobe wrote Flash to bypass that. Flash has
been written specifically to bypass all Microsoft efforts at web
security and anti-spying. They designed it to have features like video
streaming that would attract web users, but the main purpose was to get
past any and all ad blockers. We could get into a discussion of third
party ad blockers, but Adobe did bypass all Microsoft efforts. I suspect
that's one reason Microsoft stopped: advertisers were using Adobe's
product instead, and computer users didn't seem to care, so they catered
to advertisers instead. Computer users are their core customers, but
they calculated they would get more revenue by catering to advertisers.

The malware guys love it because Flash is specifically written to bypass
security. It's already a trojen carrying ads, so piggy-backing malware
is trivial.

The real question is how can you provide those services that Flash
provides, without using Flash. Make Flash as obsolete as IE6. I suppose
Microsoft tried to do that with Silverlight, but really? How about using
core features of modern browsers, without the need for Flash at all? Who
here is willing to take that on?

Rob Dyck

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