[*] AGI ideas?

Stuart Williams swilliams at cmu.ca
Wed Aug 24 07:14:41 CDT 2005

>>>>> John Lange writes:
> Subject: Re: [*] AGI ideas?
> Date: Mon, 02 May 2005 15:48:35 -0500

> I'd like to see a completely OpenSource real-time switch-board
> operator panel.  It needs the following features:

> - An attractive GUI written in a fully portable OS/independent language.
> - Real time status of every extension.
> - Drag and drop call origination
> - Drag and drop call transfer
> - Drag & drop meeting room initiation (instant phone ring).
> - Click to record calls.
> - Drag and drop silent 3rd party monitoring of calls. (drag & drop on a
>   supervisor phone so they can listen in).
> - Drag & drop conference builder (delayed phone ring). Build the meeting
>   room and then click "call now" to bring everyone in.
> - Drag & drop conference builder (saved, and automated on a schedule).
>   Build the meeting room, set a date and time including a repeating
>   schedule (every Wednesday at 10am) and then save it.
> - Call queue monitoring. Number of people in the queue and how long they
>   have been waiting. Show operators on the phone. Drag & drop queue
>   jumping (drag a caller from the queue and drop on a specific operator).
> - Set person as Do Not Disturb.
> - Forward calls.

Back in July when I was teaching PyGame to high school students in the
week-long computer camp I ran, it occurred to me that PyGame might be
a great match for this application.

More generally, this application is very much like a computer game
(real-time status, simple graphics, sound) and would therefore benefit
from toolkits and libraries that are useful for writing computer

I wonder how the joystick interface should work...

Is anyone interested in chatting for a couple of hours about this
possibility?  We could pretend we're the design team, having already
been given a predictable GUI (like that Shockwave one), and see what
we figure out.


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