Thanks for all of your contributions! I learned some things.

Some notes:
- I wasn't sure about max HDMI cable length before; then I found this article at PC Mag:
- I was in fact thinking of HDMI-over-twisted-pair rather than HDMI-over-Ethernet
- In hindsight, I don't really want to have to plug in more powered devices to accomplish my goal and for <= 50' probably passive cable is the way to go
- Curse you, Adam, for reminding me about Princess Auto; now there are suddenly 5 things on my shopping list
- Oh well - my birthday is coming up
- Princess Auto's 50' HDMI cable is rated for HDMI 2.0, which should be more than good enough for my need

On Thu, Mar 9, 2023 at 3:40 PM Trevor Cordes <> wrote:
On 2023-03-09 Adam Thompson wrote:
> I remember a thread about HDMI length limits here in the distant
> past; I think Trevor has successfully run 1080p over 50' cables but
> possibly with not quite 100% reliability?

Adam remembers correctly:
I did many installs with DVI over 50' cables at "normal" rez's (like
anything under 2550x1440).  And a couple of DVI-HDMI cables (they
exist) at 50' too.  Since DVI/HDMI is almost the same thing
signal-wise, I would expect HDMI/HDMI at 50' to be fine too.  Never
tried 100'.

Since a 50' HDMI cable is fairly cheap compared to an active
HDMI/ethernet repeater, start with the cable.  Heck, maybe even 100'
will work, let us know!

If you have to go the active repeater route, I would expect everything
designed for that purpose will work perfectly fine.  There will be a
tiny delay, though, with all those conversions (few ms?).  Might be
enough to bother a hardcore gamer.

(You think stringing HDMI through walls is tough, try DVI!!)
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