Several years ago, when I was being kept awake at night by incessantly beeping/screeching APC Back-UPS XS-800 units (two of them) just because their batteries were near end-of-life (as if I have to be told every 5 minutes 24/7!!!), I did some Internet research on the matter. The APC programming options on these units didn't allow override of this beeping/screeching, but cutting the speaker/squeaker wires sure works!
The primary recommendation at that time for more sensibly programmed (and overrideable) UPS's at the low price-point was CyberPower. I have since then seen CyberPower units attractively priced at many times.
In addition to my two APC Back-UPS XS-800 (800 VA / 540 watt) units (battery model # RBC32), I also have an APC Back-UPS XS-1300 (1300 VA / 780 watt) unit (battery model # RBC109), all with dead batteries. The APC Back-UPS XS-1300 has a nice reddish (LCD/LED?) little rectangular text/graphical screen, and I think the beeping/screeching can be overridden.
Anyone want to buy any or all of these 3 units? They are in mint condition and were working properly before the batteries died.
Hartmut Sager - Tel +1-204-339-8331