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The Eureka Project



We’re hoping you’ll lend a hand to help startups as they work to validate their ideas. All it takes is a bit of your time to answer an email survey.

Only four are planned for each year.

The insight you provide is invaluable. Your participation is appreciated, but not required. If you would like to opt out, click here and type “out” into the body of the email.

Thank you for your continued support of our startup community.


Jeff Ryzner
President, The Eureka Project

NOTE: If you are a startup interested in using this service next quarter, please contact


LineHub Mobile Inc. is developing an exciting technology product and is inviting business owners and employees to take a short survey. All the information provided will be kept strictly confidential and used to enhance this new product offering.

Thank-you for taking the time!

The Eureka Project
The Eureka Project
200-135 Innovation Drive
Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T6A8

Phone: 204.262.6400

Fax: 204.262.6407
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