To stoke the flame a bit more, the goal is to get a job. In my experience and in my view, if you can do part-time, contract work on AWS/Linux systems, then prioritize that over the certifications. Work experience and references is what is going to make the hiring manager interview you when they read your resume.Work for non-profits at a discounted rate is pretty good as well, because then you can say truthfully that it was work experience. There are a million non-profits in Winnipeg with WordPress needs and all of them run on servers. MGIS comes to mind.
I'm able to chat more about this if you want. Email, grab a coffee, whatever.-MarkOn Fri, Apr 26, 2019 at 10:36 PM Chrinkus <> wrote:Thanks, Adam! A little confirmation goes a long way when I'm trying to
learn new things. I have a good job already, I'm set for the next 20
years if I like. But its not in tech so I dream these dreams.
I realize a cert is not the silver bullet I need to swap careers but its
a nice goal to shoot towards. The more I read about what I'd need to
know for LPIC 1, the more excited I get.
Looking forward to discussing this more as I progress. Thanks again!
On 2019-04-26 9:56 p.m., Adam Thompson wrote:
> Hi, Chris.
> I used to teach the LPI curriculum, and I've been a hiring manager.
> LPI was not based out of Canada in the past, but I see their head
> office has moved. What country they're based out of has relatively
> little impact.
> LPI is not awesome, but if you're looking for something that's
> widely-applicable, they're the place to go. RHCE has been around for
> years, of course, and is excellent if you want to hitch your horse to
> the Red Hat cart and no-one else's.
> I didn't even know the Linux Foundation had a certification program
> until I read your email... so that gives you an idea how
> widely-recognized it will be :-).
> The key thing here is that being an LPIC-1 will only get you in the
> door for an interview, maybe. It does not have broad industry
> recognition.
> RHCE is more limiting, but has much broader recognition.
> Also, keep in mind that there are probably less than 100 jobs in all
> of Manitoba that involve UNIX all day long, every day. If that's what
> you're aiming to get (a UNIX-specific job), you should move to a
> better market for that before you worry about what certs & training to
> obtain.
> Pluralsight is ... OK, from what I've seen. You probably aren't
> wasting your time there, on average.
> Bottom line: yes, Linux certification will get you somewhere, but not
> as far as you might imagine. It would most likely open doors to
> $35-$45k/yr entry-level jobs that wouldn't have otherwise looked at
> you. But jobs where LPIC and/or RHCE are mandatory? I don't believe
> those exist here. Nor do jobs exist where having ANY certification,
> no matter how rare or esoteric, jump you straight to mid-range or
> top-end salary scales.
> So if you really want a job in IT using UNIX/Linux, and you've
> budgeted time/$$ for self-directed training, then, yeah, I think the
> LPI program is probably your best bet, and Pluralsight is definitely
> not the worst way you could spend your money.
> Hope to see you in May!
> -Adam
> On 2019-04-26 21:23, Chrinkus wrote:
>> Hello, I'm a newer member to MUUG, I attended my first meeting in
>> March. I left that meeting with a lot to think about but excited by
>> the talk and discussions I witnessed.
>> (I keep typing out a big long story about my desire to learn more
>> about UNIX, and more specifically Linux, but it gets long and I delete
>> it. This email has been in my draft folder for a few days now, I'm
>> getting to the point.)
>> Anyway, I'd like to work towards some level of certification. There
>> seem to be a few "Big Certs" out there, Red Hat's, LPI's and the Linux
>> Foundation's. For the moment I've decided to work towards the LPIC-1
>> due to the cost and apparent credibility. I have a book and am
>> starting my free trial on Pluralsight to kickstart my learning.
>> My question is perhaps just more me seeking confirmation that I've
>> jumped to some decent conclusions. LPI is Canadian-based and usually
>> #2 on the best-lists I've found. I'm loving the book, The Linux
>> Command LIne, 2nd ed, but haven't used Pluralsight before. I landed on
>> it mostly because its ads annoy me the least out of all of the online
>> learning sources.
>> Thank you for your time,
>> Chris Schick
>> * I missed the April meeting because our kids were both sick and I
>> didn't want to leave my wife alone with that mess. Looking forward to
>> May!
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