I'd like to know more about those command-line tools! I don't know when I'd need them again (never, I hope), but I'd rather be prepared!

On Mon, Jun 7, 2010 at 11:02 AM, John Lange <john@johnlange.ca> wrote:
HP has their own command line tools which have a lot more features and
options than the BIOS does. I recently used them to turn two single
disks into a RAID 1 on a live system with no data loss or downtime.

They also have a lot of querying tools for examining the raid set etc.

If you haven't already tried them I can find out some more information.

John Lange

On Fri, 2010-06-04 at 11:53 -0500, Kevin McGregor wrote:
> I've got a HP ProLiant server running OpenFiler, and due to errors on
> my part, the SCSI drives got rearranged. Now the HP 6400 RAID
> controller complains that an "unsupported drive rearrangement has been
> attempted", and the logical volume is missing. Is there any way to
> recover the correct order of drives in the drive bay?
> It is a test server, so technically no big deal, but you know how it
> is with "test" servers... It would be pretty annoying to lose all the
> data.
> I've tried booting the 8.30 SmartStart and using the ADU/ACU utility,
> but it doesn't seem to show anything useful for this. It shows the
> controller and all drives being "uninitialized", not just being out of
> order. The Option ROM utility also doesn't show anything.
> Suggestions, aside from "use software RAID next time"?
> Kevin
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