On 06/07/2013 03:20 PM, Adam Thompson wrote:

Wow… someone who actually manages to live with SELinux in production on a non-trivial server?!?

It ain't easy, but it can be done.  Whether the benefit is worth the effort is still an open question, though.  I'm pretty much convinced that for a Fedora system, where things are in more of a state of flux, it's almost definitely not worth the effort, and SELinux can actually be harmful.  I've had a couple updates in Fedora go horribly wrong because of SELinux conflicts - so badly in fact that I ended up reinstalling rather than trying to fix things.  But with RHEL it's been mostly solid, and really just needed tweaking for web-based services where things are REALLY locked down by default.

Gilles R. Detillieux              E-mail: <grdetil@scrc.umanitoba.ca>
Spinal Cord Research Centre       WWW:    http://www.scrc.umanitoba.ca/
Dept. Physiology, U. of Manitoba  Winnipeg, MB  R3E 0J9  (Canada)