I just got my new SMC cable modem, and they couldn't get it to work. A Shaw rep came this morning and replaced it with a Cisco model, which works. He said the SMC ones were working, but some systems change at their end made any new installs of SMC cables modems not work anymore. The existing deployed SMCs still work fine.

Also, the SMC's wired-only mode, I was told, disabled all gigabit switch ports except port 1. It seems a bit odd to me. Can you test that, Bill?

Another thing I noticed is my router's external interface's IP address is now I guess Shaw is now into NAT in a big way. Kind of a bummer.

I just ran Speedtest, and it reports ~24 Mbps down. I'll check again later and try some other tests, and if it doesn't improve I'll have to put in another call to Shaw.


On Wed, Oct 5, 2011 at 4:38 PM, Bill Reid <billreid@shaw.ca> wrote:
I was an Shaw Extreme user and decided to try out Broadband 50. It turns out that Extreme customers can upgrade to Broadband 50 at no additional cost.

They use a SMCDG3N  a DOCSIS 3.0 N wireless router. Very nice specs including IPv6 support.  http://www.smc.com/files/AN/DS_SMCD3GN-RES.pdf

Shaw mails out the modem. Of course the first thing when I got it was how do I get my 2nd IP address. If you want to use 2 IP addresses then Shaw turns off the router and wireless function. So it is a modem with a 4 port Gig switch. This is how I am running it.

I did a test at speedtest.net  got 48.64Mbps down and 2.87Mbps up which is pretty close to 50Mbps down and 3Mbps up.

-- Bill
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