You don't get a /tmp/foo file (I'm testing pre-patch application) and
the env shows only 8 vars, and nothing passed from httpd external input
(like USER_AGENT).

According to PHP run in mod_php mode is safe but some of the methods of running external commands in PHP aren't if it's in CGI mode.

I just tried something similar on my server, which uses the fpm interface, and the environment isn't passed.

Also tried it in a Rails application and it seemed safe. That said, I've heard reports that people were able to get some older Rails stuff to work:

Also, for the curious, there are some stories floating around about people sending the exploit in DHCP options.


On Fri, Sep 26, 2014 at 2:40 AM, Trevor Cordes <> wrote:
On 2014-09-25 Gilbert E. Detillieux wrote:
> Didn't take the script kiddies long to start trying...

Ya, good catch Sean for speculating on a vector and thanks Gilbert for
giving us an easy check.  I was thinking only along the lines of
attacking ssh/login. Hadn't thought of http vectors.

> - - [25/Sep/2014:03:22:13 -0500] "GET
> /cgi-sys/defaultwebpage.cgi HTTP/1.0" 404 295 "-" "()
> { :;}; /bin/ping -c 1"
> - - [25/Sep/2014:13:49:53 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 301
> 301 "() { :; }; /bin/ping -c 1" "() { :; }; /bin/ping -c
> 1"

I just checked and the exact same hosts tested my server in the same

> I have another host, with some CGI scripts that have names of the
> form */cgi-bin/*.sh, and those URL's are seeing a lot of attempts
> (all failed as well).  I guess they've got lists of potential target
> URL's to try, and anything ending in ".sh" is going to be
> irresistible!

For sure someone must have compiled existing web-server lists to
rapidly exploit zero-day http vectors.  I'm actually a bit surprised
that a) they did that and b) my measly SMB site is on the list.

I run a lot of PHP, and a few fork out calls to perl, almost always via
bash intermediation.  I tested and mod PHP isn't affected, but I'm
thinking my perl scenario above would be vulnerable, unless PHP is
cleansing the env vars before the bash call.

A quick test reveals that the above scenario is not vulnerable, it
appears PHP is cleaning the env before exec-type calls:

Make a php file in your web doc root (say z.php):
$z=`/bin/perl -e 'foreach (keys %ENV) { print "\$_\t\$ENV{\$_}\n" } '`;
echo "here are the envs:\n$z\n";

644 it and hit it with curl:

curl -X GET -A '() { :; }; /bin/echo foo>/tmp/foo'

You don't get a /tmp/foo file (I'm testing pre-patch application) and
the env shows only 8 vars, and nothing passed from httpd external input
(like USER_AGENT).


Besides CGI which by its nature must pass the ENV, it looks like the
number of http-vector cases may be limited.
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Sean Walberg <>