Off the top, I'd say don't touch it! It could be a revival of those fraudulent "phantom parity" stick that were marketed long ago, though I can't imagine Kingston or HP engaging in that fraud.There is, however, one way these could be ECC after all. If the 4 chips on one end are the main data chips, and the other 4 chips at the other end are of much lower capacity and carry the parity bits. Unfortunately, on the eBay pic, a sticker is covering all 4 chips at one end, so you can't compare.Oh, there is one other (not uncommon) possibility - some lower capacity chips on the back of the DIMM to carry the parity bits. Do we have a pic of the back anywhere?Hartmut W Sager - Tel +1-204-339-8331On 1 December 2015 at 17:52, Trevor Cordes <> wrote:I'm doing some ECC RAM shopping on ebay (as per prev postings).
I came across something weird. There's a stick showing up in various
places that claims to be ECC but all pics (and the physical unit, I've
confirmed) have only 8 (or 16) DRAM chips, not 9 or 18.
Does this make any sense to anybody? Is this possible??
The stick is Kingston KTH-XW4400E6/2G
specifically says in "overview" it has "Error Checking and Correcting
Kingston has discontinued this part and it's hard to even find on the site
anymore, but here's:
says x72 ECC
The equiv HP #'s they provide all show up on the net as 9 chip, so this
Kingston stick should be ecc.
??? WTF?
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