The City of Winnipeg has been using PowerWare (now Eaton) UPSs for quite a while now, and I haven't heard any complaints or experienced any issues (like described by others). All that happens is the little "replace battery" light comes on. See

On Thu, Jan 31, 2013 at 4:17 PM, Gilbert E. Detillieux <> wrote:
On 2013-01-31 15:55, Trevor Cordes wrote:
On 2013-01-30 Dan Keizer wrote:
Funny timing ... I bought two APC 750 units just over a year ago and
use them to keep my servers running in the rack.

A week or so ago, one of them started to complain (beeping wildly in
the night) and flashing it's lights etc ...

As much as I love APC, I must say their non-Smart lines are generally
complete crap now.  They live for 2-6 years then fail in strange,
different, and noisy ways, creating support nightmares, even after new
batteries are put in.

The Smart ones live a lot longer but can still do incredibly wonky
things if the batteries are dying/dead.  You will sometimes not get any
warning via the software or the UPS even though the batteries are
gone.  In some cases I open up the UPS to find the batteries bulging to
insane widths.  Moral of the story is set yourself reminders at 3-4
years to start thinking about pro-active battery replacement and/or load
testing (apctest in apcupsd in linux is good for this).

I still haven't found a better UPS brand, so I stick mostly with APC

We've had several APC Smart UPS'es fail catastrophically and without warning.  In one case, a 2200VA unit literally caught on fire!

A bit over a year ago, we bought a CyberPower PR2200LCDRT2U (2170 VA 1600 Watts) rack-mount UPS, which was about half the price of the equivalent unit from APC.  So far, it's been fine, but time will tell if it's better than those we've previously bought from APC.

Gilbert E. Detillieux           E-mail: <>
Manitoba UNIX User Group        Web:
PO Box 130 St-Boniface          Phone:  (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA  R2H 3B4     Fax:    (204)474-7609

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