My two cents:

Short answer: For a budget gaming rig, this looks fine.

Long answer:
- I noticed that no maximum budget was given
- I noticed that no example games were given, and different games benefit from different upgrades
- A 3.7 GHz dual-core is pretty good for games that don't take advantage of multiple cores very well; an upgrade to an i5 would give better performance for a wider variety of games
- As has been mentioned, the PSU is adequate, but buying a better one is money well spent in the longer term because then you can keep the PSU when you do upgrades instead of buying another one (or buying another one when this one fails)
- Getting a motherboard with 4 RAM slots might be a good idea as having the option for adding memory doesn't just provide more memory, it bumps up performance to have 2 or 4 sticks of RAM rather than one (e.g. get a 4-slot MB with 2x4GB then add 2x4GB later)
- I wouldn't worry about mixing and matching brands
- Of course, a bigger HD and/or SSD never hurts!
- Buy stuff from Trevor ;-)


On Thu, May 11, 2017 at 1:26 AM, Trevor Cordes <> wrote:
Forwarded on behalf of Dan Keizer.  Remember folks, keep your
attachments to the mailing list as small as possible.  I shrunk the pdf
from 500k to a 69k single jpg (it was just embedded jpg's anyhow).

=== Dan Keizer asked ===

Well, I decided not to ask this at the round table yesterday as it would
have taken too much time and have lots of possible options ...

a friend has a friend who has a 14 year old teenager looking at
building a gaming machine .. he put together some info and this friend
is looking for some feedback

I've attached a pdf of what they were looking at as options - not sure
where the pricing was scraped from -- but with guys on-line who are in
the business would have a better idea ...

What's your guys takes on this?  I'm not into gaming machine
configurations ...


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