That seems like a reasonable tool, especially if you want the report and form functions in the same package.  I’ve never used it myself.  I think most people on this list are like me in that they’ll use some basic schema generator app to write the initial sql and probably tweak it manually from there.

The end users make a difference here eg If this is for a system that will be used at a company with an analyst team, targeting tableau or whatever tool du jour for reporting may be a prudent move


On Mar 25, 2023, at 7:58 PM, Brock Wolfe <> wrote:

I am looking for a software platform for prototyping a multi-user database, hosted in a LAN/Server network.

The primary focus is on rapid prototyping of the databases, forms, screens, reports, etc.  over scalable and production grade software platform suite (ie. LAMP)

A little looking around, and I found the similar LibreOffice BASE and HyperSQL (

Any suggestions, recommendations?

Thank you in advance for the help.



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