For those who missed it, video is up on our youtube channel here:

Also for anyone opposed to supporting the Google Borg, or if you want an offline copy, our videos all eventually show up as downloadable MP4s here: as well. 

Wyatt Zacharias

On Wed, Dec 11, 2019 at 10:32 AM Gilbert E. Detillieux <> wrote:
Howdy folks!

Thanks to all of you who came to my presentation last night, reflecting
on 50 years of UNIX.  Thanks also for the feedback I received.  I
enjoyed presenting on this topic, and I'm glad that it was enjoyed by
many of you.

I've updated the MUUG web site's meetings page to include links to my
(updated) presentation notes, as well as some links to a bit of early
UNIX trivia...

For those of you who missed the talk, I hope the slides will at least
give you a bit of a taste for the presentation.  Wyatt did record it, so
it may pop up on our YouTube channel at a future date.

Enjoy the holidays, and hope to see you in January!


Manitoba UNIX User Group        E-mail: <>
c/o Gilbert E. Detillieux       Web:
University of Manitoba          Phone:  (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA  R3T 2N2     Fax:    (204)474-7609
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