On Mar 25, 2014, at 10:48 AM, Adam Thompson <athompso@athompso.net> wrote:

On 14-03-25 11:57 AM, Gerald Brandt wrote:
I emailed FiberFortress, specifying 1 or 2 3U servers.  He replied with a half rack quote at $550.  Still waiting for a response to my second query.

I'm curious - why do you need your own hardware at a colo site instead of just renting a VPS? 

If you want a VPS inside Canada, the biggest player (with, apparently, really good support) is OVH.com.  Well, at least until/unless Quebec secedes, at which point whether they're "in Canada" or not depends on where the border gets drawn :-).  They'll also colocate your servers.

Also with a good reputation is Blackbridge (http://www.blackbridge.com/networks/facilities/location.html).

However, keep in mind that $50/month for 3U of colo rack space is actually a really good deal... one I don't think you'll be able to match in Canada, at least not at reputable establishments.  (I mean, seriously, you could put your server in my rack for $50/month, but I can only guarantee you about 10Mbps symmetric right now.)
-Adam Thompson
Asterisk mailing list

For dedicated server hosting in Canada, I have used iWeb. They aren’t the speediest network wise, but I have had very good service and reliability for the last 7 years (one HD failure, which they fixed immediately).

If you check their warehouse clearance section, you can get a pretty good deal. I have a Dual-Core machine with 8GB of Ram and 2x500GB HD’s for $59/month.
