You're saying the sample images you sent are not representative of what you were asking about?  Uh, OK... Perhaps photos would have been more useful, then.  Anyway, it's working now.

Unless you're a hardcore gamer, it's unlikely you'll ever notice the difference between 30 and 60Hz - enjoy your now-readable monitor! ;-)


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From: Roundtable <> on behalf of Kevin McGregor <>
Sent: Friday, April 7, 2023 10:21:50 PM
To: Continuation of Round Table discussion <>
Subject: Re: [RndTbl] Samples of red text on black background
You're all probably confused, since the images I sent are all readable. <eyeroll emoji> They are to me, too.

So I played around with a bunch of things, desperate to make my big monitor useful, and I seem to have it working properly now.

I don't know exactly what fixed it with 100% confidence, but it looks like it works fine if I set the refresh rate to 30 Hz, but at anything higher (50/59.97/60 Hz) some text becomes unreadable.

I'll call that a win.

On Mon, Apr 3, 2023 at 3:56 PM Kevin McGregor <> wrote:
This is off-topic, but has anyone seen this sort of thing in Windows 10? Red and purple text on a dark or black background renders poorly, but other colours look clearly defined. The MS Code sample has a lighter gray background, so isn't affected...?
