Further to the number of database tables Opencart creates with its default modules:
The answer is...
MariaDB [spiritoos]> show tables;
| Tables_in_spiritoos |
| oc_address |
| oc_affiliate |
| oc_affiliate_transaction |
| oc_attribute |
| oc_attribute_description |
| oc_attribute_group |
| oc_attribute_group_description |
| oc_banner |
| oc_banner_image |
| oc_banner_image_description |
| oc_category |
| oc_category_description |
| oc_category_filter |
| oc_category_path |
| oc_category_to_layout |
| oc_category_to_store |
| oc_country |
| oc_coupon |
| oc_coupon_category |
| oc_coupon_history |
| oc_coupon_product |
| oc_currency |
| oc_custom_field |
| oc_custom_field_description |
| oc_custom_field_to_customer_group |
| oc_custom_field_value |
| oc_custom_field_value_description |
| oc_customer |
| oc_customer_ban_ip |
| oc_customer_field |
| oc_customer_group |
| oc_customer_group_description |
| oc_customer_history |
| oc_customer_ip |
| oc_customer_online |
| oc_customer_reward |
| oc_customer_transaction |
| oc_download |
| oc_download_description |
| oc_extension |
| oc_filter |
| oc_filter_description |
| oc_filter_group |
| oc_filter_group_description |
| oc_geo_zone |
| oc_information |
| oc_information_description |
| oc_information_to_layout |
| oc_information_to_store |
| oc_language |
| oc_layout |
| oc_layout_route |
| oc_length_class |
| oc_length_class_description |
| oc_manufacturer |
| oc_manufacturer_to_store |
| oc_option |
| oc_option_description |
| oc_option_value |
| oc_option_value_description |
| oc_order |
| oc_order_download |
| oc_order_field |
| oc_order_fraud |
| oc_order_history |
| oc_order_option |
| oc_order_product |
| oc_order_status |
| oc_order_total |
| oc_order_voucher |
| oc_product |
| oc_product_attribute |
| oc_product_description |
| oc_product_discount |
| oc_product_filter |
| oc_product_image |
| oc_product_option |
| oc_product_option_value |
| oc_product_related |
| oc_product_reward |
| oc_product_special |
| oc_product_to_category |
| oc_product_to_download |
| oc_product_to_layout |
| oc_product_to_store |
| oc_return |
| oc_return_action |
| oc_return_history |
| oc_return_reason |
| oc_return_status |
| oc_review |
| oc_setting |
| oc_stock_status |
| oc_store |
| oc_tax_class |
| oc_tax_rate |
| oc_tax_rate_to_customer_group |
| oc_tax_rule |
| oc_url_alias |
| oc_user |
| oc_user_group |
| oc_voucher |
| oc_voucher_history |
| oc_voucher_theme |
| oc_voucher_theme_description |
| oc_weight_class |
| oc_weight_class_description |
| oc_zone |
| oc_zone_to_geo_zone |
109 rows in set (0.00 sec)
... with LOTS of duplication of data... sigh...
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