I've used both google and one called 'woopra' - it's been out for a LONG time too.
they are both useful.  (obviously, I used the 'free' version!)

I did a quick check, and both of these show up on a long(ish) list from the following  (i just googled it lol) - but duckduckgo had the same results - so there.



On Wed, 27 Jan 2021 at 05:04, Trevor Cordes <trevor@tecnopolis.ca> wrote:
For web traffic stats/graphing, back in the day we all ran webalizer, and
it's still ok.

Now many/most sites insert the little google analytics javascript code
link and get their stats there.  But google is evil, so....

Does anyone have any on-box (preferably FLOSS, but for-pay is an option
here too) web traffic stats/graphing tool they can personally recommend?
(Cloud need not apply.)

Does anyone know if any have js tie-in features like GA in order to get
the more juicy stats?  One would think it wouldn't be terribly difficult.

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