You don't want Xplornet to get any bigger - they are a rolling dumpster fire in many different ways.
I think more competition is a good thing, yet I'd prefer Xplornet went out of business altogether. Or at least nowhere near here. Thankfully, Starlink will probably accomplish this.
I am still trying someone to rave about Xplornet.
I'm not saying it would be a good thing, but it could happen. It might be an entertaining thing to watch from a distance.
Until the distance gets shorter and shorter... and then it
happens to us.
I think I talked about this at one of our meetings, but it is really... amusing?... to watch this unfold here.
Because, back where I come from, things were the complete opposite. And it sucked nonetheless.
Back in the 80s, all telecommunications were owned by the government in Brazil. Period.
Although the bill was not increasing too much - in a period where inflation was measured in monthly double-digits increases, eventually reached hyperinflation, increases were often under that threshold precisely because the government was using it as a pressure relief mechanism - a phone line was, literally, an investment. Case in point: around 1995, my father was owed some nice chunk of money, around what a new vehicle would cost. The bloke could not pay cash, so he paid with a phone line instead. It was not a bad deal, financially speaking.
To me, especially, it was awesome: my father let me use the line,
so I could play with BBSs without screeching noises annoying
everyone else in the house. Sweet! I love you dad, wherever you
are... you gave me my first "car"-worthy thing before I was even
10 years old. :)
One year later, though, right after it was all privatized, same
line could be installed by paying R$ 20 (which amounted to around
the same in USD around that time) to the telecom. Bummer. The
country benefited a lot from that, even though my dad was... not
amused, to say the least.
It dawned on me though that the government can't really run a
business properly. Companies just compete, fiercely. Or so we're
told. Except in Brazil, because it sucks and the government
@*(@$*s everything, and private businesses are all love, sunshine
and rainbows.
Now I am going to The First World(tm), where everything works and, obviously, both Government AND private entities are angels! So I move here, expecting to be blown away by Internet (and, well, everything else), only to find out that what I can get for Internet in the province of Ontario is... worse than what I could have in Brazil. And more expensive, all things considered. What?
Well, it was also Ontario, but not really (aka "not GTA"). Also, it was the University residence, but for some reason only DSL was provided. Oh well, bummer.
Then, up north, I had comparable speeds (5/1. vs 10/1 in
Ontario), but the damn cap. I did not realize the Xbox would
update all games on standby, but I quickly did when I had to pay
3x my monthly bill because I went (way) past the data cap. Ouch.
So yes, moving to Brandon, I was blown away by 40/4 from Westman.
At least it was Cable! And 40Mbps, whoooooossshhhhh! And it cost
the same as NorthwesTel - sans data caps, obviously. And
Then, I move to Saskatchewan, a city 1/5th the size of Brandon. I was expecting the dark ages...
... and I get fibre to the home. 300/80. For around the same amount I was paying in Brandon. And with two static IPs for free as well.
Then, I decide to check out a cell phone plan... and mostly all plans are SK only. And *a lot* cheaper than any other province, even when buying from Bell, Telus and so on. Why is that?
Well, they all have to compete with SaskTel. A Crown Corporation.
Government Owned. A fuse blew instantly on my mind. "But the
government can't run business!".
Now, looking back, there's one thing Brazil did right when
privatizing: it emulated the European model in many ways. And,
amusingly, its regulatory agency is one of the few things that
actually work (somewhat) properly, enough to make phone service
(somewhat) affordable for everyone, pretty much everywhere in the
country. Not perfect, but coming from a reality where having a
phone line *alone*, like in the 80s and early 90s, was a dead
giveaway that you were *rich*, it was surely a huge improvement,
to the point where I can see many things it did right even when
looking from the lens of a country that dwarfs its GDP per capita.
Back in Saskatchewan, I realized that Government done right can
be a good thing, as long as you keep it from "going full retard".
Oddly, same applies for private businesses as well. SaskTel is not
a monopoly, but its presence tunes down the Shareholders Über
Alles vibe of all private telecom incumbents that operate there.
Telebrás (the Brazilian state-owned telecom), having no (private)
competition, could go down the mismanagement rabbit hole in a way
that only the government's deep pockets can afford.
Weirdly enough,
Saskatchewanians complain about SaskTel just
like Brazilians did about Telebrás, and many also think that
getting rid of it and having only private companies would be oh so
much better. One of the intangible benefits of immigration is
perspective, that is for sure.
Now here, I've yet to find someone who tells me that the CRTC has any teeth. Strike one. It also seem to like paying lip-service to the sheer lack of competition and investment of the main incumbents, strike two. For the current Shaw+Rogers deal, many talking heads talk about it as if it were a done deal, like the CRTC has no say about it... because it doesn't? Strike three.
I don't see them going through all of that just to make their lives harder, to make sure they have to invest more in infrastructure, or offer better cheaper, better service. They could do all of that right now if they wanted.
Shaw, like T-Mobile in the US, had to care because it was not big enough not to. T-Mobile eventually grew to the point where it was able to start being a douche. Shaw is en route to be absorbed by one.
I hope I am wrong, though.
Kind regards,
Alberto Abrao