Oh, another way to get – not the BGP data, but other data that can act as a proxy – is to run RIPE Atlas queries.  Among the queries you can run are “traceroute” queries, which can give some of the same resulting insights as having the raw BGP routes.





From: Roundtable <roundtable-bounces@muug.ca> On Behalf Of Adam Thompson
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 3:54 PM
To: Continuation of Round Table discussion <Roundtable@muug.ca>
Subject: Re: [RndTbl] BGP data in real time?


Generally correct.  The data is VERY resource-intensive to process and AFAIK that delay literally just reflects the processing time.

If you want real-time, you generally need your own BGP router(a) so you can suck data from it/them.

You can also pay obscene amounts of money to Oracle (who now owns a few network intelligence companies including Thousandeyes among others) to get closer to real time, depending on what data you're after.


Email Theo and/or me with more details if you don't want to share them publicly.





From: Roundtable <roundtable-bounces@muug.ca> on behalf of John Lange <john@johnlange.ca>
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022, 15:45
To: Roundtable, MUUG <Roundtable@muug.ca>
Subject: [RndTbl] BGP data in real time?


Does anyone know of a good way for monitoring BGP route data in near real-time? There are several public BGPPlay sites out there but the data seems delayed?


That being said, one challenge I'm having with the sites is the time stamps don't say which timezone they are in. I assume it is UTC but if that is the case then the data is at least a couple hours old on any of the sites I've found.

