Oh, another way to get – not the BGP data, but other data that can act as a proxy – is to run RIPE Atlas queries. Among the queries you can run are “traceroute” queries, which can give some of the
same resulting insights as having the raw BGP routes.
From: Roundtable <roundtable-bounces@muug.ca>
On Behalf Of Adam Thompson
Sent: Friday, July 8, 2022 3:54 PM
To: Continuation of Round Table discussion <Roundtable@muug.ca>
Subject: Re: [RndTbl] BGP data in real time?
Generally correct. The data is VERY resource-intensive to process and AFAIK that delay literally just reflects the processing time.
If you want real-time, you generally need your own BGP router(a) so you can suck data from it/them.
You can also pay obscene amounts of money to Oracle (who now owns a few network intelligence companies including Thousandeyes among others) to get closer to real time, depending on what data you're after.
Email Theo and/or me with more details if you don't want to share them publicly.