I've had a lot of trouble in the last few months with Gmail's spam filtering having become super-aggressive, but tonight we have a live case worthy of analysis. In the thread "Opinions on Fedora Server" initiated by Alberto Abrao <
both of Alberto's postings went to my Gmail spam, while Trevor Cordes's posting came through fine.
A detail on my use of Gmail: I use it as infrastructure for my own e-mail addresses @
marityme.net. Incoming e-mails to
marityme.net are forwarded into my Gmail address from somewhere else, and outgoing e-mails from
marityme.net are sent from Gmail where I set up these addresses as valid "from" addresses.
Yeah, I suspect the trouble is somewhere in Gmail's new expectations re TXT SPF, DKIM, DomainKeys, and such.
Hartmut W Sager - Tel +1-204-339-8331