Hi all,
Thanks for the continuing quest.  I've done some more send/receive experiments outside of RoundTable in the last 48 hours, but the results, while somewhat inconsistent, have left me with no conclusions to report here, nor even definitive data to present here.
So, please keep at it, since I'm not the only one reporting this problem.  Can we at least determine whether or not everyone with this problem is using Gmail?  I still have some suspicions in that regard, though not my original simple thought of duplicate on unique message ID.
Hartmut Sager
On 22 January 2013 10:08, Gilbert E. Detillieux <gedetil@cs.umanitoba.ca> wrote:
On 2013-01-21 23:15, Adam Thompson wrote:
Once the mailman software has had its way with your message, it is no
longer the same (identical) message so that isn't the case in any event.
However, you're the third person lately to complain about missing their
own posts.
Gilbert/Bill, is it possible the list default setting for self-copy got
changed? I don't know where to look...

I just checked the General Options Section for the roundtable mailing list, and the only relevant settings there are default options for new members joining the list.  After that, it's a per subscriber setting, which should only get changed when the individual subscriber changes them explicitly.  (The "do not send a copy of a member's own post" setting is off by default, in any case.)

I checked the mail queue and mail server log file, and I can't see a problem on the MUUG server's end.  I'm not sure what's happening to the messages that aren't being delivered.  My guess is that it may have to do with delays on forwarding servers, as appeared to be the problem that Kevin was having last week.


Hartmut W Sager <hwsager@marityme.net> wrote:

Hi Bill,
OK, thanks for checking.  I just now checked the MUUG RoundTable and
Asterisk archives (for Jan 2013), and indeed, my postings are all
there.  But, my postings of the last several days have not come back
into my Inbox, even though they have previously done so.  I haven't
recently changed my e-mail system in any way that I can remember, and
certainly not in any significant way.
Nonetheless, I do now have a new suspicion.  I'm using Gmail as my main
e-mail infrastructure (and have been for over half a year) (with my own
e-mail addresses at my own domains), and I know all about their "labels"
and about unique message ID's in e-mail at large.  And, Gmail tries to
avoid storing duplicates, simply applying multiple labels instead
(elegant! - too bad IMAP didn't think of that).
In the past, my MUUG RoundTable and Asterisk postings did come back into
my Inbox, but were identified by Gmail (as evidenced by labels) as being
the same messages I sent out.  I'm wondering whether, for some unknown
reason, these incoming postings now no longer get the Inbox label?  But
if so, then why?
Hartmut Sager
On 21 January 2013 22:04, Bill Reid <billreid@shaw.ca
<mailto:billreid@shaw.ca>> wrote:

    There are no pending requests at this time.

    On 21/01/13 20:00, Hartmut W Sager wrote:

        Oh no, now it's my turn!  Help!  My last several postings in the
        last two
        days to both RoundTable and Asterisk (mainly replies) have not
        shown up at all.
        What's going on???
        (Sorry to the additional cc's I added here, but it's in case
        this doesn't reach
        Hartmut Sager

Gilbert E. Detillieux           E-mail: <gedetil@muug.mb.ca>
Manitoba UNIX User Group        Web:    http://www.muug.mb.ca/
PO Box 130 St-Boniface          Phone:  (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA  R2H 3B4     Fax:    (204)474-7609
Roundtable mailing list