I'm a newbie to Linux.
I saved a Win98 system from going to the Dump; the
Windows system was non-functional but hardware seemed useful for some version of
I have managed to find and download two different
distributions of Linux which are intended for use on older and less powerful
systems, BasicLinux 3.5 and TinyLinux. I have both of these installed and
functioning on separate partitions of the hard drive.
Unfortunately the modems that were in the system
are NOT functional. One is an ISDN modem and the other is a Motorola SM56
Voicemodem. I have scoured the websites with references to Motorola SM56 modems
and although I found a couple of references to the existence of a Linux driver
for this modem, I can not actually find where to download this supposed driver
and see if I can make it work!!
Anyone have info on this?? If not, does anyone
have an external 56K modem kicking around that they would like to get rid
of?? I'm out in the boonies near Russell, MB and don't have many used
computer sources nearby :-((
If this is not the desired type of inquiry/use of
this mail list, just say so and I'll just butt out.