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O'Reilly User Group Newsletter


Building a Solid World

Here’s a great opportunity to hear a conversation with Tim O'Reilly on March 12. All the details are below, and we would like you to share this with your entire community. We also opened the Solid Startup Showcase to submissions and are looking for candidates. If you are a possible candidate, or know one, please pass this along.


—Marsee Henon and Jon Johns

Live: Tim O'Reilly and Jim Stogdill Explore Software / Hardware / Everywhere

Wed., March 12 - 11AM PT | 2PM ET

                O'Reilly & Jim StogdillThe collision of hardware and software changes everything from products, industrial practices, and business models to appliances, automobiles, and job opportunities. Today's Internet of Everything is a classic market disruption, with immense unimagined opportunities and more than a few thorny challenges.

Join Tim O'Reilly and Jim Stogdill in a free live-streamed conversation about the convergence of hardware and software, what this means beyond the Internet of Things, and a vision for the future.

Register here to join this conversation. If you have questions for Tim or Jim, you can submit them in advance via @OReillySolid or

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