On Tue, Feb 14, 2012 at 11:48 AM, John Lange <
john@johnlange.ca> wrote:
> From the bit of reading I've done, it appears that a standard for
> networking over power lines was ratified in September 2010.
> Linksys has a device (plek400) for about $100. What I can't seem to
> find out is what the maximum theoretical distance the signal can
> travel?
> I have a situation where I'd like to get a network drop into a
> building that is 400m away. I've toyed with the idea of a home-brew
> Wifi point-to-point system but it's still relatively expensive to buy
> two Buffalo radios plus external antennas etc. and even then it would
> be on the outside of the range for that type of solution.
> The building is defiantly on the same power "system" so can the
> network-over-power devices reach 400m ?
> John
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