Great, but he will still want the slashes converted to underscores, will he not? I hope he doesn't have any underscores already in any directory or file names, else it will be non-reversible (and a little confusing).
I've had to do this before... there are some tools that'll do it for you, essentially you want the UNIX version of MS-DOS's "UPDATE" command.
I would look at "rsync", used in local mode, use something like
$ rsync -a --existing SRCDIR DSTDIR
It is of course possible to do this in a shell script, but it's tricky to handle the recursion correctly unless you use an iterative find/grep series, which gets very expensive in terms of CPU time.
The best non-recursive technique I can think of would be something like:
find "${SRC}" -type f -print | sed -e "s/^${SRC}//" | sort > "${T1}"
find "${DST}" -type f -print | sed -e "s/^${DST}//" | sort > "${T1}"
comm -12 "$T1" "$T2" | while read F ; do
cp "${SRCDIR}${F}" "${DSTDIR}${F}"
> -----Original Message-----
> From: [mailto:roundtable-
>] On Behalf Of VE4ER / Andy
> Sent: Wednesday, July 07, 2010 12:10 PM
> To: MUUG Roundtable
> Subject: [RndTbl] script for file copy
> Can anybody suggest a script to copy files from one directory structure to
> another changing the filename in the process to include the original
> folder names, but only if an actual file with extension exists in the
> bottom child folder :
> Go from :
> Master Folder ------> Sub Folder1 -----> Sub Sub Folder1 --->
> filename.example
> ------> Sub Folder2 -----> Sub Sub Folder1 --->
> filename.example
> ------> Sub Folder2 -----> Sub Sub Folder2 --->
> filename.example
> To:
> /Var/MainFolder/Master_Sub1_SubSub1_filename.example
> /Var/MainFolder/Master_Sub2_SubSub1_filename.example
> /Var/MainFolder/Master_Sub2_SubSub2_filename.example ....etc
> Thanks
> Andy
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