The original PC had parity checking only. I don't know how long ago that stopped. Or did it?


On Sat, Jan 28, 2017 at 1:36 AM, Hartmut W Sager <> wrote:
Just for the record here (i.e., moral support for you, Trevor), I too have always been a strong believer in ECC.  And heck, the original IBM PC had ECC (or did it just do parity checking, and crash if parity error?).
Hartmut W Sager - Tel +1-204-339-8331

On 28 January 2017 at 00:46, Trevor Cordes <> wrote:
I'm looking for input from anyone in the club who may be knowledgable,
eyeballing, or has purchased a "workstation" system recently with ECC
memory.  (Note, ECC is imperative!)  I don't need dual-socket, crazy
speed, just something like a mid-range modern i7 with modern RAM, slots,
etc.  (i3 speeds won't cut it.)

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