Outstanding.  Thanks.

On 19 November 2010 23:18, Colin Stanners <colin@ninja.ca> wrote:
If it seems a 40/50ft'er is enough, I'll let you know next time I'm offered one.

A co-worker living near St. Jean-Baptiste has installed dozens
of those, he'd probably be willing to come out to your place and
offer advice for a reasonable price, heck maybe some beers.

On 11/19/2010 10:48 PM, Ian wrote:
Wiband was making noises like they would like nothing better than to install
on an existing tower, or at least the installation crew was all for it.
 Finding a tower and install at a good rate is another matter all together.
 Wiband is the best option if I can get line of sight.  A tower hunting I

My email to the www.rrafn.com service bounced.  I have a hunch that my
experience there could be somewhat informal.

On 19 November 2010 17:29, Adam Thompson<athompso@athompso.net>  wrote:

I'm not sure if they go that far south, but Prairie Mobile Communications
has (or had) a fixed-wireless service through parts of southern Manitoba.

Working with a fixed-wireless provider in NW Ontario, I can also confirm
that "you get what you pay for".  A free-standing pole with guy wires
anchoring it is cheaper in equipment/capital cost but requires more (and
more skilled, and more expensive) labour to install.  Also not legal in some

There are many people in southern MB who can erect towers&  poles (cheaper
than WiBand), the challenge is finding them... And then convincing WiBand to
just use the existing tower.

For halfway-decent or halfway-reliable service, expect to pay about $3k in
install costs w/o a contract.  On a contract, that often drops to $1k,
$100-$300 or even $0 depending on contract length and provider.

Barret's Xplorenet is a good option if a) no-one else can reach you, or b)
installation of a tower or mast is contra-indicated for some reason (land
unsuitable, prohibited by wife on aesthetic grounds, etc.).  Otherwise, NWO
has mostly the same experience with them - it's better than dial-up, but
worse than everything else.


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