Nope, static:
iface eth0 inet static

It's a server, and we don't use DHCP for servers (alas). We're using dnsmasq locally on all servers solely for DNS resolution caching.

On Tue, Aug 16, 2016 at 2:36 PM, Gilbert E. Detillieux <> wrote:
Is this server setting its interface addresses manually, or is it a DHCP client?  In the latter case, the DHCP server may be specifying the domain search list, and the client side is happily overwriting your /etc/resolv.conf on every lease renewal.


On 16/08/2016 2:14 PM, Kevin McGregor wrote:
I'm running Ubuntu 14.04 on a particular server. In the /etc/resolv.conf
there are two search lines:
search <>
<> # [NOTE I made these up, but the form is the same]
search <>

I want the search setting to be just:
search <>

I've deleted the top/offending line, but every time I restart dnsmasq or
run resolvconf -u (for example), the offending line comes back. Where is
it getting the <> from? I've
looked in all the usual places (I think), and tried "grep -R domB *" in
/etc, but nothing turns up! I'm at a loss.

Any pointers on where I should look next?


Manitoba UNIX User Group        E-mail: <>
c/o Gilbert E. Detillieux       Web:
University of Manitoba          Phone:  (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA  R3T 2N2     Fax:    (204)474-7609