1) You've hijacked a thread by replying to an unrelated email. Don't do that. Send a new message instead. More people will see your message that way.

2) You haven't told us what kind of firewall you're using, so the email is equivalent to:
"I have a truck with problems. I tried installing some Ford accessories but it made it worse. What car should I get?"

We need specific details about how your firewall is configured before we can hope to help you.

If you aren't familiar with asking for help on public email lists, try reading http://www.catb.org/~esr/faqs/smart-questions.html first.

Good luck,

On November 21, 2016 10:10:31 AM CST, c0l0nelFlagg <mashfiend@gmx.com> wrote:
I have home network with dedicated firewall box (smoothwall) that 
assigns reserved IP addresses based on MAC addresses of any network machine.

I need to find a way to configure things so that when I lose the RED www
inet input connection to said firewall it doesn't hang up normal home
network use by other workstations.

Right now as long as inet is there all works normally however if I drop
the public inet input everything seems to hang up. It seems to be that
specifying the firewall box as dhcp server as well as gateway is OK as
long as it can have full normal dns access to the outside world but gets
bogged down when the outside world dis appears and it has to rely on the
gateway as a local caching dns server which does not appear to be
working right.

tried to use bind9 at one time but that ground this to a total halt for
some reason; anyone have a link to good solution? thanks

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