From my nephew...

Anyone interested in setting up a linux box for this hotel for a fee?

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Subject: RE: Roundtable Digest, Vol 141, Issue 6
Date: Wed, 14 Sep 2016 15:36:16 -0500
From: Tech <>
To: 'Bradford C. Vokey' <>

We totally understand that the hardware we have listed is highly below a “proper” infrastructure.

Our 1st goal was to get internet divided, corporate, and public for security reasons. We then were told to try to, as economically as possible, to replace OLD devices with new ones to give as much performance to the current setup they had. We were able to add an additional router / converted to Access point, for load balancing, for only the 2nd floor.

Understanding the limits, and not being able to change that, the linux box solution if we could implement it in the current network, would be great.

Is there a linux box, that we could buy from anyone willing to create it, (we could supply the computer – if a spec list was given // understanding it would need 3 nic cards already mentioned) ?

We would need a quote for your programming time, some minor instruction to add it to our network, and what we would have to change – router settings, etc.

Also to have a friendly GUI (if possible) to only change the wifi password once a month. This would be done by the hotel manager whom does not have any computer experience.

Message: 1
Date: Mon, 12 Sep 2016 15:09:21 -0500
From: Adam Thompson <>
To: Continuation of Round Table discussion <>,
        Robert Keizer <>
Subject: Re: [RndTbl] Anyone have any Captive Portal set-up
Message-ID: <>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
Unfortunately, that's a dog's breakfast of consumer-grade hardware that should never have been installed in a commercial setting in the first place.
Shaw's offering is actually a pretty good price, surprisingly.
He could buy a pfSense/Netgate SG-2440 to replace the (p.o.s., IMHO) RV320 and get captive portal functionality built in.
I would replace all the wireless with Ubiquity.
But obviously the hotel doesn't want to spend any actual money on this, so...
Grab an old PC, put 3 NICs in it, install pfSense Community Edition, and off to the races.
On September 12, 2016 9:46:11 AM CDT, Robert Keizer <> wrote:
>I've used simple dd-wrt captive portal and it worked.
>I'm fairly certain the ubiquity has a similar feature that I've touched
>with as well.
>There are a few companies such as cloudessa that provide 'cloud captive
>portal services'.. that might be what you're looking for. I can't vouch
>for them at all though;
> *
>On 2016-09-12 8:45 AM, Bradford C. Vokey wrote:
>> My nephew needs a recommendation for a captive portal service for a
>> hotel.
>> Has anybody ever set one of these up? Advice?
>> Here are his particulars:
>>> Hello to all who read this,
>>> My name is Andrew Popowich, and I was encouraged to send an email to
>>> this group in possibly getting some help. A hotel where I live, is
>>> needing a Guest Splash page to appear whenever someone connects to
>>> the wifi in the hotel. (Every time it is connected ? I will explain)
>>> The internet is through Shaw, getting 150 open internet if they
>>> have it already by now. We installed a Cisco RV320 (non WebFi unit)
>>> to split the internet into 2 networks. ( ? corporate //
>>> no wifi) and ( ? Guest wifi // no wired) We added a TP
>>> LINK 750 as the router for Wifi communication, connected to a
>>> and then from the switch, 2 X TP LINK Archer C7 1750 as access
>>> points(dhcp disabled), and an enGenius 2.4 Ghz outdoor Access point
>>> (dhcp disabled) to spread more coverage. My question is this : What
>>> can I add to economically get a splash page to show every time a
>>> guest connects to the public wifi, including, when they leave the
>>> hotel, and come back, they have to re-sign in to that splash page to
>>> continue using the internet in their rooms ? I have access to
>>> computer parts and etc, if a computer can be added in the line to do
>>> this task, or will that idea even work ? Let me know if more
>>> information is needed. I appreciate any help I can get on this,
>>> Andrew Popowich p.s. I spoke with Shaw Business and they stated
>>> the hotel has 53 rooms, the cost for Shaw?s Managed Wifi service, is
>>> $700 a month. And they would not be able to use ANY of the equipment
>>> that we have added in the past 4 months, total of that being around
>>> $2000.00 for equipment, and labor.
>> === Bradford C. Vokey Treasurer Manitoba Unix User Group ===
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