I couldn't send the video but yes it is an ssd. Very odd.
Very odd

From: Sean Cody <sean@tinfoilhat.ca>
To: Frank H <alteahandle-muug@yahoo.ca>; Continuation of Round Table discussion <roundtable@muug.ca>
Sent: Wednesday, June 27, 2018 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [RndTbl] Hard drive failure - turned out to be an SSD

That isn't an SSD.  SSD's don't have moving parts to make sound.
My guess that it is an SSHD (a regular hard drive with a small amount of solid state flash acting as a buffer/cache).

By that sound... it's hooped.  You could try the freeze trick but my luck with that is 1 in 10.


> On Jun 21, 2018, at 8:13 PM, Frank H <alteahandle-muug@yahoo.ca> wrote:
> Hey guys,
> When my friend game me his failed hd it is an SSD.
> System sees it but can't open
> See attached video for the sound it is making.
> Hope 16GB isn't too big.
> I know odds are low but just have to ask if anyone has any ideas.
> Freezing SSDs is not a thing correct? Sure sounds like moving parts to me. Never troubleshot an SSD before.
> Thanks,
> Frank

> <VID_20180621_195739.mp4>_______________________________________________
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