It was indeed the main presentation that I was after.

I am a regular user of Winnipeg Transit during the warm season, but unfortunately, the 2-3 buses to get to the current meeting location are a circuitous ride (especially if I want just 2 buses instead of 3), plus, the last buses leaving the meeting area are too tight (timing-wise) to the end of meetings.

I do, though, appreciate Bradley's generous donation of great premises and facilities for the MUUG meetings.


On Tue 07 May 2024 at 15:28:17 -05:00, Gilbert Detillieux <> wrote:
Sorry, we don't typically record the whole meeting.  Wyatt sometimes 
will record the presentation, and make that available online later.  But 
that doesn't always happen.


On 2024-05-07 3:21 p.m., Hartmut W Sager wrote:
> Thanks!  I remembered the details incorrectly.

> Also, are recordings of the meetings available afterwards?  I can't 
> remember whether we do that.

> Hartmut