I'm in the market for some paying work. I'm an experienced Linux sysadmin, systems analyst, and programmer.


Two years ago I was laid off when the product I was supporting came to its end of life. Having a decent pool of savings and a very modest lifestyle, I opted to take a year off to pursue some side projects I'd always wanted work on. The plan at the time was to start a small business supplying I/T and related services to households, with the hope of getting part-time support contracts for small businesses that didn't need a full-time I/T person.


Then the pandemic hit with its attendant restrictions. For me, going around from one household to another supplying services didn't seem like a great idea, and it's been impossible for several months now. Until I can get vaccinated (which may not happen for several months) I'd much prefer to remain at home.


I don't need a huge amount of money to live on. But I do need some for the next five years until I can permanently retire and start collecting pensions.


My business plans are still stalled. In lieu of that, I'm casting about for short term work. My ideal position would be half-time; after two years of semi-retirement I'd much prefer not to return to full-time employment. Contract work would be great.


One thing I'd like to try is systems integration, taking two disparate systems and getting them talking to each other efficiently. I also enjoy writing, so I can help with documentation or web site content.


I've been thinking of checking out various "programmer for hire" web sites, but I have reservations. One is I believe the people asking for work seriously underestimate the amount of time and effort, and thus the payment, required to get a job done. The other is I don't know what safeguards are in place to ensure I get paid.


If anyone out there has leads, suggestions, or would like consider employing me, I'd love to hear from you.

