Hi all.

I'm looking for a job (see attached CV).

In short: I would like to work remotely as reverse engineer. I can also program and I can write software manuals for your products. I can start at something simple, mundane, dirty work no one else want to do... Freelancer-type tasks.

Dennis Yurichev
(Curriculum vitæ)

What I want to do
* Decompilation to pure C or C++ (AKA reverse engineering).
* Penetration testing. I can crack your software protection to test its strength.
* Technical writing.
* Programming.

Professional Experience

I wrote the “Reverse Engineering for Beginners” book:
Published by Acorn publishing company (www.acornpub.co.kr)
in January 2015 and in 2021: https://www.facebook.com/acornpub/posts/4722763351083996.
Published by Pendare Pars Iranian publisher in 2016: https://beginners.re/#farsi.
Published by PTPress Chinese publisher in April 2017: https://beginners.re/#chinese.
Also translated by many contributors to many languages,
including French, German, Japanese, Italian, Polish.
Used in many universities as a textbook: https://beginners.re/#uni.
The English version can be accessed here:
Russian: https://beginners.re/pvt875194/RE4B-RU.pdf
German: https://beginners.re/RE4B-DE.pdf
French: https://beginners.re/RE4B-FR.pdf
Japanese: https://beginners.re/RE4B-JA.pdf
Polish: https://beginners.re/RE4B-PL.pdf
Chinese vol1: https://beginners.re/RE4B-CN-vol1.pdf
Chinese vol2: https://beginners.re/RE4B-CN-vol2.pdf

The “SAT/SMT by Example” book:
Also used in many universities: https://sat-smt.codes/#uni.

The less known book: “Mathematical recipes”:


Freelancer, reverse engineer
I rewrote complex piece of software (100KiB executable file) to pure C
using decompiler and various hand-made tools.


Freelancer, freelance teacher
I made two FPGA brute-force crackers.
First was related to specific dongle crypto algorithm. Using Altera EP2S60 FPGA device,
I made a hardware system which able to find crypto key extremely fast compared to modern
Wintel systems.
Second project was a cracker of Oracle RDBMS passwords (pre-11g, based on DES algorithm).
While most fast software brute-force attacker running on Intel Core Duo 2 able to check 1.5 million
passwords per second, a hardware system built by me is able to check about Oracle RDBMS 110
million passwords per second: it was built on Altera EP2SGX90 FPGA chip. It is now easy
to check all possible 8-symbol passwords spending only 9 hours.
It was connected to the Internet on 24h basis.
Short article about it: http://conus.info/ops/ops.html
I have 3 Altera FPGA boards for experiments (two on Stratix II and one on Cyclone III).
I also worked as reverse engineer.
Some of examples are in my “Reverse Engineering for Beginners” book:
Occasionally I also do software dongle protection dongle replacements or emulators:
I discovered several previously unknown vulnerabilities in Oracle RDBMS and IBM DB2 and
was credited for:


Reverse engineer and programmer
Digital Syphon


Reverse engineer and security researcher
”Blue Lane” (http://www.bluelane.com):
My duty was to compare original and patched binary versions of some well-known software products,
investigate differences, understand the nature of security vulnerability, finding a way how
malicious (for these specific vulnerabilities) packets can be blocked at the network level.
My specialization was primarily Oracle RDBMS, so I collected a lot of information related to
Oracle RDBMS internals.

I developed my own x86 code tracer for navigating in such large software as Oracle RDBMS.
It was partially evolved into my own x86 tracer:

1999 - 2005

Freelancer in areas of reverse engineering, web-scripting and programming

1998 - 1999

Linux system administrator, C/C++/CGI-scripts programmer
”Beckets-Service” (Kiev, Ukraine):
Last project I made at, was company-specific Voicemail system working with cheap voice modems.

1996 - 1998

Various computers maintenance and repairing
”Tandem-Plus” (Enakievo, Donetsk region, Ukraine)

My perfect skills:
Technical writer (software manuals, help pages, etc.)
Optimization of time-critical code parts.
Reverse engineering, restoration of code into various
high-level languages: C, C++, C#, Python, Java.
Reverse engineering various proprietary network protocols.
My very good skills:
C/C++/C#/Java/Python/x86 assembler programming for Windows/Linux.
Verilog coding (for FPGAs)
I’m familiar with SAT, SMT, CUDA, SIMD, OpenMP.
Just skills: drivers creation for any version of Windows, MS-DOS, OS/2, Linux programming.
I have knowledge of cryptography, major internet protocols, digital electronics,
computer security, Oracle RDBMS.

Other contacts
My blog about reverse engineering, programming, SAT/SMT, etc: https://yurichev.com/news/

Other information
Languages: Russian, English, Ukrainian.