[RndTbl] sshd: Corrupted MAC on input.

Gilbert E. Detillieux gedetil at cs.umanitoba.ca
Tue Aug 4 11:14:34 CDT 2020

Just FYI, I had an rsync fail just a while ago about 17 seconds (and 
253MB) into a file transfer.  Same error on the remote side.

After restarting, it died again, this time after 3m07s (and 2.6GB).

So, it is fairly random, yet consistent!  :P


On 2020-08-04 9:56 a.m., Gilbert E. Detillieux wrote:
> On 2020-07-31 11:42 p.m., Trevor Cordes wrote:
>> Gilbert, to confirm, your bug hits after you have transferred lots of
>> data, right?  It's not giving this error right at the beginning upon
>> connection, right?  Do you have any stats on approx how much data goes
>> across each time before the error hits?  Is it consistent or all over
>> the map?
> Yes, these are on large file transfers.  Yes, they are occasional, and 
> random.  But I had to restart a large (41-ish GB?) file transfer 3 times 
> last week due to repeated errors.  A typical nightly backup results in 
> 160 GB or so to transfer, and lately, the rsync fails (somewhere along 
> the way) more often than not.
> Gilbert

Gilbert E. Detillieux        E-mail:  <gedetil at cs.umanitoba.ca>
Dept. of Computer Science    Web:     http://www.cs.umanitoba.ca/~gedetil/
University of Manitoba       Phone:   (204)474-8161
Winnipeg MB CANADA  R3T 2N2  Fax:     (204)474-7609

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