[RndTbl] muug.ca debian mirror 403'ing

Theodore Baschak theodore at ciscodude.net
Wed Sep 28 13:56:44 CDT 2016

Looks like this problem is on-going still.

I've moved the MUUG.ca mirror down to #2 on my list to keep it from being a
show-stopper on my end.

Theodore Baschak - AS395089 - Hextet Systems
https://ciscodude.net/ - https://hextet.systems/

On Fri, Sep 23, 2016 at 10:45 AM, Gilbert E. Detillieux <
gedetil at cs.umanitoba.ca> wrote:

> OK, I've reset the execute bits again.  I've also checked the upstream
> site, and it seems OK now, so hopefully this have now been corrected by
> them and will no longer be an issue.
> Gilbert
> On 23/09/2016 10:05 AM, Theodore Baschak wrote:
>> Looks like this happened again, it must be an upstream permissions error
>> thats being propagated thru the mirroring process.
>> I gather from a conversation with Adam that the mirroring hierarchy is
>> rather complex as well.
>> Theodore Baschak - AS395089 - Hextet Systems
>> https://ciscodude.net/ - https://hextet.systems/
>> http://mbix.ca/
>> On Thu, Sep 22, 2016 at 10:18 AM, Gilbert E. Detillieux
>> <gedetil at cs.umanitoba.ca <mailto:gedetil at cs.umanitoba.ca>> wrote:
>>     Not sure how/why that happened, but the directory had execute
>>     permission turned off for everyone but the owner.  (All the
>>     subdirectories seemed fine, as did the other directories under
>>     /mirror/.)  I've turned execute permission back on for all, so
>>     things should be OK now.
>>     Hopefully it's not an upstream problem, which will just get reset on
>>     the next rsync...  (That would be odd, though, given those
>>     particular permissions.  You'd think that would just prevent all
>>     access to the source site.)
>>     Gilbert
>>     On 22/09/2016 10:07 AM, Theodore Baschak wrote:
>>         The muug.ca/mirror/debian/ <http://muug.ca/mirror/debian/>
>>         <http://muug.ca/mirror/debian/> mirror is
>>         403'ing on IPv4 and IPv6.
>>         Other mirror directories look ok at a glance (fedora,
>>         debian-archive)
> --
> Manitoba UNIX User Group        E-mail: <gedetil at muug.mb.ca>
> c/o Gilbert E. Detillieux       Web:    http://www.muug.mb.ca/
> University of Manitoba          Phone:  (204)474-8161
> Winnipeg MB CANADA  R3T 2N2     Fax:    (204)474-7609
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